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Inclusion Melbourne Welcomes Victorian Ombudsman’s Inquiry

Inclusion Melbourne strongly supports the Terms of Reference issued by the Victorian Ombudsman today for the inquiry into the Reporting and investigation of allegations of abuse in the disability sector. We welcome the investigation and are proud that we provided a submission to the Ombudsman to help inform their thinking about the Inquiry. The Ombudsman thanks us for our submission and sought to quote from it in the terms of reference: ‘What has occurred and been reported in the media is a product of the culture in which we live. If this inquiry enables our community to rethink our casual culturally ingrained ideas about who is a human, who is afforded rights and who is supported to access justice, then this will serve as the best way to prevent anything like this from ever happening again.’

Click here to see the terms of reference and we encourage all people to make a submission so that we can ensure improvements to the system for the reporting and investigation of abuse.